tagged by: technical debt

Is High Quality Software Worth the Cost?

A common debate in software development projects is between spending time on improving the quality of the software versus concentrating on releasing more valuable features. Usually the pressure to deliver functionality dominates the discussion, leading many developers to complain that they don't have time to work on architecture and code quality. This debate is based on the assumption that increasing quality also increases costs, which is our common experience. But the counter-intuitive reality is that internal software quality removes the cruft that slows down developing new features, thus decreasing the cost of enhancing the software.

Code Smell

A code smell is a surface indication that usually corresponds to a deeper problem in the system. The term was first coined by Kent Beck while helping me with my Refactoring book.

by Martin Fowler

9 Feb 2006

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technical debt programming style refactoring

Default Trial Retire

Within each normal-sized team, limit the choice of alternatives for any class of technology to three. These are: the current sensible default, the one we're experimenting with as a trial, and the one that we hate and want to retire.

by Evan Bottcher

10 Nov 2021

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technical debt enterprise architecture tools

Design Payoff Line

In the DesignStaminaHypothesis, the design payoff line is the amount of functionality below which it is possible to trade off design quality for time to market.

by Martin Fowler

27 Aug 2007

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technical debt project planning

Design Stamina Hypothesis

Is it worth the effort to design software well?


(Here's an addition to your dictionary.)

Detestable (adjective): software that isn't testable.

Estimated Interest

TechnicalDebt is a very useful concept, but it raises the question of how do you measure it? Sadly technical debt isn't like financial debt, so it's not easy to tell how far you are in hock (although we seem to have had some trouble with measuring the financial kind recently).

by Martin Fowler

10 Dec 2008

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metrics technical debt project planning

Technical Debt

Software systems are prone to the build up of cruft - deficiencies in internal quality that make it harder than it would ideally be to modify and extend the system further. Technical Debt is a metaphor, coined by Ward Cunningham, that frames how to think about dealing with this cruft, thinking of it like a financial debt. The extra effort that it takes to add new features is the interest paid on the debt.

by Martin Fowler

21 May 2019

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technical debt programming style

Technical Debt Quadrant

There's been a few posts over the last couple of months about TechnicalDebt that's raised the question of what kinds of design flaws should or shouldn't be classified as Technical Debt.

by Martin Fowler

14 Oct 2009

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technical debt

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